The frequent buyer program of Flora MiniWash

Conditions to take part in collecting points

You can automatically take part in our point collecting system that works both on Flora MiniWash website and in our shop by registering at

For redeeming your points either online or at the shop you will need to be registered at

We will credit you the points after payment. When you pay online, this is automatic after you provide your e-mail address or name.

Collecting your points at Flora MiniWash is for free and anybody over the age of 18 can take part after signing our privacy policy and GDPR.

You can register here.

In case you have already registered, you will automatically be included in our frequent buyer program. From your next purchase you will get points that you can redeem to reduce the final price.

We can modify conditions unilaterally, but we will notify you in e-mail.

Collecting points in Flora MiniWash

You can get points for every cleaning, whether you order it online or in person in our shop.

You get 1 point after every HUF100 spent and these points are credited following payment. You can collect your points under your Flora MiniWash account, you can check how many you have or how many you have used under the ’my account’ site.

Redeeming points in Flora MiniWash

You can use every point with your next purchase, but you can also keep collecting them and redeem them at once.

1 point is worth HUF10 so if you have collected 100 points, it means HUF1000 discount when you redeem them.

Frequent buyer points are not redeemable for cash.


You can always check your balance at the ’my account’ site.

Expiration of points

You can redeem your frequent buyer points within 24 months of earning them. After 24 months they automatically expire (we always consider the time of earning them, so if you earned them at different occasions, they will not be lost at the same time). 

Expired points cannot be used later.


Within our frequent buyer program you can be part of discounts when we give extra points for certain products or services or maybe your complete cart. These extra points can give you significant price reduction when you redeem them at a later purchase.


You can withdraw your registration any time. Simply write to us at hello@floraminiwash.huand we will delete your profile. In case you do this, all your collected points will be lost. When you register again, your unused points cannot be transferred.


In case you don’t want to miss our regular discounts or points discounts, sign up for our newsletter. This way you will always be notified firsthand.

Privacy policy

Privacy policy found at applies to our frequent buyer program as well.

Iratkozz fel hírlevelünkre Te is!
Így első kézből értesülhetsz a legfrissebb információinkról, eseményeinkről és praktikus baba-mama-gyerkőc tippeinkről!

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Flora MiniGroup Csapata

Forgalmazott márkáink

Bugaboo, Stokke, Babyzen, Mountain Buggy, Phil and Teds, Cybex, Thule, Mamas and Papas, Bob, Besafe, Mutsy, GB, Nuna